SFI condemns National Education Policy

In protest against commercialization, saffronization and centralization of education through National Education Policy. The state session of Chhatra Samiti concluded on 7 March 2024 with the slogan of freedom, democracy, socialism. This convention was inaugurated by State President Comrade Anil Thakur. While giving a good message to the convention, he said that it will become difficult for girl students to complete their studies through NEP, privatization of education is a big attack on the education of girl students.

Due to Corona epidemic, many girl students have stayed away from education, we will have to struggle and raise the slogan of education for all, employment for all. In the convention, a sub-committee of 11 girl students was formed. In which Ms. Sarita Rana was elected as convener and Ms. Rashi was elected as the convener.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, a session was held by the student sub-committee and Comrade Santosh Kapoor from All India Democratic Women’s Committee spoke on the status of women. He said that even after so many years of independence, women are still discriminated against. Be it at home or at the workplace, they are discriminated against. There is a need to break these shackles and fight for their rights.

During the convention, resolutions were also read on the status of women and increasing violence against women. Comrade Sarita gave assurance in the convention that the student sub-committee will unite the students and fight for them on the front line for all the issues of the students and women. Will fight for student demands in every educational institution.

With this appeal, the state student convention was concluded in Nahan.

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