India got capable leadership in the form of Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Rajiv Bindal

Bharatiya Janata Party State President Dr. Rajeev Bindal while giving a statement said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is fighting for the development of the country, while Congress leaders are seen fighting for the re-partition of the country. He said that within the country, Congress has entered into an alliance with such parties which are continuously involved in anti-national activities. Congress party leaders are seen giving statements in favor of Pakistan. The leaders of Congress and the people of the party associated with them are saying that Pakistan has atom bombs and make friendship with Pakistan and these people are continuously seen intimidating and threatening in the name of Pakistan.

He said that Rahul Gandhi gets the blessings of victory from Pakistan again and again, whereas the aim of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is definitely to make India a powerful nation and if the enemy looks up, then he will be prepared to enter his house and kill him. Are.

He said that there has been a huge change in internal security in the last 10 years. There used to be bomb blasts at various places, incidents of people being killed, incidents of laying of tunnels, but after the coming of Modi government, these incidents have suddenly stopped. The incidents of stone pelting seem to be coming to an end across the country and in the same way, Pakistan used to go to the world and spread negative propaganda against India. Today he is speechless because Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made the country powerful. Earlier we used to buy arms and weapons from the world, today we have developed into an important arms selling country in the world.

He said that now we are going to have a direct competition with China and this has happened only because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The people of the country and the state consider the security of India paramount. If the country is safe then you and I are safe. Recognizing this, the people of the country and the state have decided that we have to make Prime Minister Modi the Prime Minister of the country for the third time.

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