Have special regard for the people of tribal regions: Sukhu

Kaza, known as the ‘Land of Lamas’, has never witnessed the celebration of the State level function or any other similar day function of National importance in the last 75 years. The initiative of celebrating the Himachal Day State-level function in Kaza, in the tribal region of district Lahaul and Spiti goes to the sitting Chief Minister, Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, who has preferred the remotest Spiti region for the festivity.

The stage is all set in Kaza for celebrating the 76th Himachal Day function, which will go down in the annals of History. “ I wanted to be the people of Spiti on the very first function of Himachal day since I have taken over the reins of the State, said the Chief Minister, adding that  I have a special regard for the people of this remote region who have boldly faced the socio-economic changes since re-organization of the State from 1966  onwards.

Situated at a height of around 11, 980 feet above sea level, with a sizeable Buddhist population, Kaza has an International boundary with China. Mainly, the culture is similar to that of Tibet. It has as many as five to six big monasteries, including the famous Tabo Monastery, Dhankar, Key, Lalung, Kaumik, and Kungri.  

The hospitality of the people is famous far and wide, and they celebrate every festival with zeal and enthusiasm, said he. The polling percentage in Tashigang, the highest polling station, at 15,256 feet, was 100 percent during the assembly elections and the people participated in their colorful attire braving the freezing weather conditions. Hence,  it becomes our moral duty to celebrate such functions with them, stated the Chief Minister.

He also appreciated the growing tourism activities in the region, besides people managing Home Stays for the visitors and acquainting them with the local traditions and cuisine. I  am happy to learn that there is no human-wildlife conflict, as the number of Snow leopards have also increased in the area besides, Ibex and Blue sheep. I have learned that the people love to capture the Snow leopards in their Camera without disturbing them as much, said he.

Chief Minister said that for the welfare of the tribal region, a provision of Rs. 857 crores has been made in the Budget 2023-24 for equitable and balanced development besides the welfare of the tribal people, which is the top priority of the State Government. He appealed to provide the best of facilities to the visitors and adventure enthusiasts visiting the Spiti region of Lahaul and Spiti district so that the place can gain more prominence for its warm hospitality and rich tradition and cultural heritage.

One thought on “Have special regard for the people of tribal regions: Sukhu

  • Hon’ble Chief Minister Himachal Pradesh Sukhvinder Sukhu jee; has great qualities of Heart, Mind and Soul. By deciding to celebrate the 74th/ or/75th Himachal Day 15th April, 2023 at Kaza the Headquarters of Spiti; the balanced and Equitable spirit of Great Governance is so Inspiring!
    I had the great privilege to have served as Sub Divisional Police Officer ( SDPO) Kaza for one year August, 1983 to August, 1984 before getting transferred out as Additional Suptt. of Police Una, Distt. Una. Lot of nostalgic outpouring here which may be postponed to some future day and moment.
    Am:- D. P. Sharma IPS/ IGP Retired in July, 2010.


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