Congress seeks implementation of MCC

State Congress President MP Pratibha Singh has urged the Election Commission to immediately implement the model code of conduct by declaring the date of elections in the state. She said in a press release issued here today  that less than two months are left for the tenure of the BJP government in the state  Due to this the BJP is openly misusing the power along with the government machinery for its political gains.  Expressing concern over the government spending crores on the arrival and hospitality of BJP central ministers, leaders on government expenditure in the state, she has said that the Election Commission should take cognizance of this and immediately stop the misuse of government money and machinery.  Pratibha Singh, while drawing the attention of the ECI in this context, said that along with the misuse of power, the BJP in the state has strongly objected to the campaigning under the flag of its party in the name of organizing the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence.  She has also demanded a ban on this event from the Election Commission. She has asked the Election Commission to ensure strict adherence to the MCC in the state. Pratibha Singh has asked the Election Commission to keep a close watch on the EVMs as well as strengthen its security so that no one can break into it. She said that simultaneous elections should be held in the state before the possible snowfall in the snowy areas of the state.

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