Chiyog school girls won gold medals in wrestling at the district level

 Recently, the students of Government Excellent Senior Secondary School, Chiyog have brought glory to the school and the region by winning the gold medal in the district level Under-19 wrestling competition. Let us tell you that recently the district-level under-19 sports competition for girls was held in Government Senior Secondary School, Rampur Bushahr, in which the girls of Chiog School showed their strength in wrestling and won the gold medal and trophy for their school. In this wrestling competition, Aastha (50 kg), Ishita (62 kg), Shabnam (53 kg), Meenakshi (55 kg), and Aaradhya (59 kg) won the final in wrestling. While Srishti won the bronze medal in wrestling weighing 72 kg.
Let us tell you that these girl students have been selected for the state-level Under 19 sports competition. On reaching the school, Principal Sandeep Sharma and other teachers gave a grand welcome to the student players and they were also honored by the Principal. He said that it is a matter of pride that five promising girl students of this school will show their talent in the state-level competition. While giving his best wishes to the girl students, he advised them to practice more for the state-level competition. On this occasion, all the professors, teachers other staff members, and all the students of the school were present.

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