5951 teams to participate in Himachal Enviro Quiz 2022 on 20th May

A spokesperson of HP State Pollution Control Board informed here today that the registration process of State Level Inter School Quiz Competition- Himachal Enviro Quiz 2022 being organized by Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board in association with ITC Nimyle Eco Friendly India Mission, for students from class 8th to 12th has been concluded today.

He informed that 5951 teams of 3023 public and private higher and secondary schools have registered from the state. All 5951 teams would participate in the online District Level round on 20th May 2022 between 9 AM to 2 PM which will be conducted on website An online link shall be shared with each registered school on 19th May 2022 to obtain their admit card. Results of online round would be declared on 21st May 2022.

He said that the top 36 winning teams will move to physical round of the state level quiz competition scheduled to be held on 5th June 2022 at HP University auditorium.

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