Truth about inflation

(By Baldev Sharma editor and founder of Shail Hindi weekly )

Today the rising prices of petrol, diesel and LPG have forced every person to think that why these prices are increasing and where will this increase stop. Because when the price of fuel increases then it affects every production and traffic. As a result of the increase in these prices, the suppliers of cheap ration to the state government have expressed their inability to supply further. In 2014, when the Modi government took power at the center, the LPG cylinder was available for four hundred and ten rupees, which has become one thousand and fifty today. Petrol, diesel prices have increased by forty to fifty rupees. This increase has pushed up the prices of everything. But the income of the common man has not increased in the same proportion in which the prices have increased. Rather, the interest rates on all types of deposits in banks have come down to half as compared to 2014. So it becomes natural to worry as to why this is happening.
In this concern and contemplation, the first attention goes to this that the dreams shown to the common man at the time of the change of power in 2014 were not fulfilled, but Swami Ramdev, the biggest face advocating change at that time, when today his When questions were asked on the present by reminding them of the old claims/promises, instead of answering them, they have come down on indecency only to the journalist who asked the question. The video of their dialogue is going viral in front of everyone. This situation is not only of Swami Ramdev alone, but of every person who in the name of good days was waiting for 15 lakhs to come in every account. Rather, a section of the big advocates of that change considers every prime minister responsible for today’s problems, from the first Prime Minister of the country, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to Dr. Manmohan Singh. In their eyes, it is Modi who has saved the country from further ruin. In this context it becomes even more important that at this time a public debate on some decisions of this government should be started in front of the common man. Because after the victory in these elections, it is being claimed that the people of the country have authorized the government to take such decisions by giving support.
Debt is the root cause of inflation and unemployment. According to the IMF, in the year 2022 this debt will be 90% of GDP. According to RBI, the country’s debt as on 31-03-2015 was 3,23,464 crores which has increased to 10,36,187 crores as on 31-03-2018. Debt was 68.21% of GDP in 2018-19. In the last 10 years, NPAs of twelve banks worth more than 7 lakh crores have been written off. Modi government has waived property loans. Along with wealth tax, the corporate tax on corporate houses has also been reduced. There has been a cut in the budget of many services related to the poor and villages. During this, about eight lakh crores have been drowned in frauds in banks. It is necessary to mention these figures because when the country’s money is wasted for some big people and the government keeps on taking loans to run its expenses and keeps increasing the prices of fuel, then its end result is in the form of inflation. Will come to the fore This government has earned about 26 lakh crores from time to time increased taxes on oil and gas. While not even half of this earning has been spent on all the welfare schemes run by the government. In such a situation, today the common man has to think that when one gets a LPG cylinder for free in the name of any scheme, then it is compensated by increasing the prices of gas and it affects everyone. When a farmer gets six thousand cash in the name of Samman Nidhi, it is recovered from this inflation. When free and cheap ration is given, with this the land in the village becomes barren and to meet this expenditure, everyone’s pocket is robbed through inflation. Therefore, instead of free for some, cheap for all should be advocated and demanded.

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author.

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