Violence Against the wife : Cong demands FIR against BJP Dharmshala legislators

State Mahila Congress sought an FIR against BJP legislator Vishal Nehriya for allegedly involved in violence against his wife after a video posted by the victim on social media shocked the entire state.
State President of Mahila Congress Ms Janeb Chandel addressed a press conference here today lashing out the state police for not registering FIR into the incident. 
Raising the question mark over silence of chairman of State Woman Commission Daisy Thakur Ms Chandel said that SWC must taken cognizance in the issue and pressing the e Superintendent of police Kangra to registered FIR.
Terming the BJP state government insensitive toward the safety of woman in the state She said that it shows that how much safe is woman under its rule as its own Legislators could not be brought to book after such merciless crime. 
No one is above the law and MLA could not be hide under the grab of power she said that when a woman holding such high  public office being an HAS officer did not get justice one could imagine situation common woman in the state.
” Mahila Congress is shocked over the incidents the way two and half month old newly married bride was treated on the behest of MLA and his family members and government is protecting the MLA after the issue have came in public glare in shameful manner. ” she alleged 
The law of land should be applied equal to all irrespective of political affiliation if one is found involved in domestic violence She also demanded the BJP should suspend the MLA until he did not prove him innocent before the law.
The  crime against woman is increasing during the Covid pandemic in the BJP rule as women belonging to well do family are even not safe in their home, Congress leader who have been SWC during Cong rule alleged. 

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