Tourist and locals suffering due to traffic barricades in Shimla

Tourist who hailed from West Bengal suffered fracture injuries near Kalibari temple around 6.15 pm but could not availed ambulance service for hours as entire town is barricaded for PM rally for tomorrow. A Employees in BSNL told us that lady who claimed herself doctor have to wait for hours to have 108 didn’t responded due to locking of town. He said that it was after prolonged wait she was carried on  police reporting room van (not ambulance) to DDU. The victim was suffering from cancer having wad highly vulnerable to fracture. She would require emergency care to operate to treat her, a police official twho attended the emergency told. Mr Madan who is local residents said that patient fell after monkey attack and suffering major fracture injuries. Local residents rued the arrangement made for Tourist and local people to carry them to Hospital from the spot said that if any one suffer heart attack patient could die in the mid way. It is worthwhile to mention that in Shimla  town Ridge Ground and mall road never closed for ambulance and patient but apathy of Administeration forcing many to suffer lime this. Entire Ridge ground and Mall road was barricade for PM rally where BJP claimed to gather 50 thousand crowd tomorrow. The town currently  registered unprecedented footfall of Tourists due to sweltering heatwave in the plain. Four Public school decided to keep school close tomorrow however Chief minister Jai Ram Thakur said that no holiday was required tomorrow as rally would last for two hours. Local residents ars blaming the state government and Administeration to close the public passage and many internal roads which is creating havoc to common man.

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