The current government has written a new chapter of public welfare: Jagat Singh Negi

Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi has said that the present state government has made a lot of efforts in its tenure of just 14 months to end the problems of the common man. A new chapter of public welfare has been added to the history of Himachal Pradesh. He said that the efforts of the state government are yielding positive results, due to which the BJP leaders are panicking and hatching a conspiracy. He said that the state government has reinstated the old pension scheme for 1.36 lakh government employees, which has secured their old age. After retirement, the employees who were getting a pension of Rs 2000 under NPS, are getting more than Rs 20-30 thousand after restoration of the old pension.

The Revenue Minister said that keeping the promise made to women, the present state government has started providing Samman Nidhi of Rs 1500 per month to women above 18 years of age but BJP leaders are trying to stop this scheme by becoming anti-women. Are trying hard. He said that the state government is well aware of the problems of the people, which is why the state government organized Revenue Lok Adalats to provide relief to the people, under which more than 90 thousand death cases and more than seven thousand Takseem cases were settled. . Earlier no government made any serious efforts to settle the pending revenue matters, but the intention and policy of the present state government is clear and our aim is only to solve the problems of the people.

Jagat Singh Negi said that Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu belongs to a common family, hence he knows the pain and difficulties of the people. That is why the state government has made schemes for the welfare of those sections whose voices were never heard in the last 75 years. Mukhyamantri Sukhashraya Yojana was started for orphan children, and today they have joined the mainstream of society and are living life with their heads held high. He said that the state government is bearing the expenses of education of children of 1.15 lakh widows and single women in the state. Along with this, the state government is also providing them with financial assistance of Rs 1.50 lakh to construct a house. The Chief Minister said that these are not mere schemes, but the commitment of the state government that it stands firmly with the person standing in the last row of the society, regardless of political gains.

He said that based on these schemes, the Congress Party will contest the Lok Sabha elections and by-elections for six assembly seats and will achieve a big victory. People power is the strength of the present state government and it is with this power that money power will be defeated.

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