HP govt insensitive towards Employees of HPTDC: Ex- Vice Chairperson

Former Vice Chairperson of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation, Harish Janartha showed concern over worsening financial condition of the HPTDC and blamed  the state government for being insensitive to the present situation arising out of Covid pandemic.
 In a press statement issued here today Mr Janartha demanded the si government to take appropriate steps immediately to handle this situation  to overcome prevailing  frustration among the employees of the Corporation.  
” The hardworking employees of the tourism corporation, famous for tourism around the world, are not geting the salary and financial benefits and allowances in time vis a vis to other government employees.” he alleged.

” The positive cooperation of the government is essential  to improve the situation as Goverment must extended assistance to Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation being  loss caused due to decline in the footfall of Tourists during the corona period.

 The insensitive  and negativity attitude of the state government and the corporation management on the it’s  financial condition  and the non-disbursment of  financial benefits of to be employees  is causing great distress and discontent among them.

 After all, why the government and the corporation management do not want the tourism corporation, the backbone of the state’s economy, to get out of this situation.

 The deteriorating day-to-day situation of tourism industry is a matter of great concern on the basis of which state have recognition on  the world.
 The way the government and the management is treating the corporation employees step-motherly, it is a cause of even more concern.

 During the pandemic although every sector around the world has suffered economic losses, but if any sector is most affected, then tourism and related businesses.

 But as soon as the situation became normal, Himachal Tourism Corporation worked day and night with all its might to get back on track he added. 

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