Himachal Govt announces releasing additional pension arrears to Pre and Post-2016 Pensioners

Himachal Pradesh Government announced again today to release of additional pension arrears to pensioners and family pensioners with a changed schedule and varying amounts. 

A notification issued by the state finance department said that an office memorandum was issued on September 17, 2022, which is now rescheduled with a new outlining the payment of these arrears. 

The additional pension arrears would be paid out to both pre-2016 and post-2016 pensioners and family pensioners. The amount of the additional arrears will vary depending on the age group of the pensioner.

Pensioners of 75 years and above will receive 35 percent of the arrears. The pensioners between 70 and 75 years old will receive 20 pc, those between 65 and 70 years old will receive 18 pc, and pensioners below 65 years old will receive 15 pc of the arrears.

The additional pension arrears will be paid out in March 2024. If the pensioner or family pensioner has died, the outstanding arrears will be paid in a lump sum to the nominee(s) or legal heir(s) within two months of the issuance of this order.

If the amount of the remaining arrears is less than Rs. 5000, it will be paid out in a lump sum as a final installment.

Any excess amount of pension or family pension that needs to be recovered will be adjusted from the arrears before the final amount is paid out.

The Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDAs) are responsible for ensuring that the arrears are drawn and disbursed to the pensioners and family pensioners in March 2024.

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