Governor inaugurates Physiotherapy Center at Himachal State Red Cross Bhavan

Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla, who is also the President of the State Red Cross Society, today inaugurated the Physiotherapy Center at Himachal Pradesh State Red Cross Bhavan, Shimla. With the opening of this centre, orthopaedic physiotherapy, neurological physiotherapy and pain management facilities will be available to the patients in the center. Lady Governor and Chairperson, State Red Cross Hospital Welfare Branch, Janaki Shukla was also present on the occasion.

While addressing the members of the Red Cross, the Governor said that the Red Cross was a sacred institution for society, where service to the society was more important. People join this organization to give something to society, he added. “When we work for society, it progresses. If the society moves forward then it gives something to the Nation”, said the Governor.

The Governor said that the sanctity of Himachal Pradesh was due to its deities and clean environment due to which a large number of tourists also visited the State. On the occasion, he also expressed concern about the increasing cases of drug addiction among youths in society and asked the members of the Red Cross Society to contribute in this direction. “They should inspire and help the parents of the children who have come under the influence of drugs to get rid of drugs and this will be their true social work”, he appealed. He also urged them to contribute towards the eradication of tuberculosis from the State.

He directed the State Red Cross that the names and mobile numbers of all the members should be displayed in the Red Cross building so that the work could be made more effective by establishing contact and mutual coordination. He emphasized on organizing more and more blood donation camps.

On the occasion, services like mammography screening and acupuncture therapy were made available to the patients.

Earlier, Secretary to the Governor and General Secretary of State Red Cross, Rajesh Sharma welcomed the Governor and detailed about the Physiotherapy Centre.

Wife of the Chief Minister and also the member of State Red Cross Society, Kamlesh Thakur, Member, National Red Cross Management Committee, Dr. Sadhna Thakur, Honorary Secretary, State Red Cross, Dr. Kimmi Sood, other officials and members of the Red Cross were also present on the occasion.

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