Four-Laning of Road from Kaithli Ghat to Shimla Causes Major Issues for Local Villagers

The ongoing construction of the four-lane road from Kaithli Ghat to Shimla is causing significant distress for local residents. The cutting work along the Shyamali Khad and Ashwini Khad has led to numerous problems for the villagers living in these areas.

A  memorandum was submitted to SDM rural Shimla by a delegation of Himachal Kisan Sabha, led by State President Dr. Kuldeep Singh Tanwar, highlights the critical issues faced by the local communities.

Debris Dumping Issues

The debris from the four-lane cutting is being dumped into Shyamali Khad at several points. Particularly at Bridge No. 13, all the debris has been disposed of in Shyamali Khad. With the rainy season approaching, this debris is expected to wash into the fields, potentially destroying crops. Last year, similar debris flow during the rainy season damaged villagers’ fields, drinking water sources, and irrigation channels.

Demands from Himachal Farmers

  • Loss Assessment: Himachal farmers demand that the Patwari conduct a loss assessment for the affected lands along the Shyamali Khad.
  • Protective Measures: The Kisan Sabha calls for the construction of concrete walls along Shyamali Khad to safeguard the farmers’ lands. Alternatively, channelization of Shyamali Khad should be implemented to protect fields and houses.
  • Stop Illegal Dumping: Immediate cessation of illegal dumping by SP Singla Company is demanded. No dumping should occur in Shyamali Khad, and existing dumped soil should be removed to prevent further damage.

Additional Problems

  • Excessive Cutting: Excessive cutting at site number 14 in Pujarali has filled the nearby drain with soil, affecting the drainage system.
  • Road and Pathway Destruction: Roads and link roads have been destroyed in many places due to the cutting work, leaving no pathways for villagers to walk. Children face difficulties commuting to school, especially from Bhalawan to village Kawalag and to the Kawalag bus stop.
  • Blocked Access in Kyar Village: In Kyar village, routes from homes to fields and barns have been destroyed. In Mazhar village, the road to the Mazhar bus stop has been blocked at two points. The road from Mazhar, Kyar, and Bhalawan to Suinta School has also been cut off without alternative routes, trapping villagers between sections of the four-lane road.
  • Soil Dumping in Bhalavan Village: Soil dumping in Bhalavan village is ruining grasslands, endangering houses, and closing roads. The improper disposal of debris poses a threat during the rainy season. Newly installed culverts are misaligned, turning people’s land into drainage channels instead of properly addressing the issue.
  • Uncertainty About Land Acquisition: Villagers remain uninformed about the extent of their land that has been acquired for the construction project.

In light of these severe issues, local villagers urgently request appropriate steps be taken to address and resolve their problems.

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