Fire mishap in Shimla, Property tune to one crore gutted

Property worth one crore gutted in fire mishap Shimla, Apr 10. Property tune to one crore gutted in a fire mishap occurred in Sadana village of Rampur Subdivision as many houses and cowsheds reduced to ashes, the state diaster Management authority confirmed. Spokesperson of SDMA said that fire mishapoccurred at Village Sadana sub division Rampur District Shimla. Four Houses and six cowshed damaged completely and one cow and pet dog died. Fire team, Revenue Department officials and Police team on the spot. fire is under control now.Estimated loss approx. Victims of fire mishaps are identified as  Ravi kant, Vikram Singh, Shakuntla, Neyi ram and Uday singh. Rs 15000 were handed over to each victim as immediate compensation. Fire broke out fron a forest nearby the village. Perching heatwave started triggering fire mishap in the pine forest in season.

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