Douse Jangi Chilgoza forest fire: Nature Watch India

The devastating and unprecedented Forest fire counting in endemic Jangi Chilgoza Forest in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh couldn’t be brought under control for last five days as it spread in several kilometres area. National convener of Nature Watch India Rajeshwar Singh Negi said in a letter issued to government that there is complete apathy and abdication of government accountability and responsibility, concerning the widespread occurrence of Forest Fires in Himachal, raging unabated since March of this year.” Casually blaming it on the heat and dry weather, when most such fires are set in late evenings and at night,obviously by humans,across all weather conditions is not proper on parts of authority.

Ironically ‘Vanmahotsava’s’ , and  ‘ The World Environment Day’, are held  with much fanfare boasting of increasing Forest cover,  people penalized for cutting a Tree, while Lacs of saplings, trees and Wild life are allowed to be wantonly burnt and  destroyed  every year . This scourge has now entered the High altitude Tribal areas of Kinnaur,  with the Pastures- rich with Herbs and commercially valuable Chilgoza forests being set ablaze every Summer. 

One such Forest fire is consuming the largest stretch of Chilgoza forest in India: across the Akpa -Jangi belt in Kinnaur. It being the main source of livelihood for thousands of residents of that area. The response of the local administration has been ineffective and casual

He said that Chief Minister should order the Deputy Commissioner of Kinnaur to co-ordinate and direct all forest and Civil Defense personnel to put the fire out immediately, and, if need be,to take the help of the ITBP  Units stationed there, to . He said that Administeration should identify and book those responsible , under the relevant Sections of the IPC and  the Forest Conservation Act  1980.

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