BJP’s victory in 3 big states is historic: Bindal

 BJP State President Dr. Rajeev Bindal, while congratulating BJP for registering a huge victory in three states, said that this victory is the victory of democracy of the country, the victory of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s public welfare policies, patriotism and nationalism.

He said that this is a crushing defeat of appeasement and corruption of the Congress Party. He said that the public has approved the way massive corruption and misgovernance took place in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh and the Congress party had to face a crushing defeat.

Congress Party is the mother of corruption and huge corruption was done by the leaders of Congress Party in these two states. Corruption took place in the country even in the name of Mahadev.

He said that BJP’s good governance has achieved a massive victory in Madhya Pradesh.

Congratulations to the country’s popular Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP’s national president and Himachal’s son Jagat Prakash Nadda, all the top leadership of BJP and the people of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan for this huge victory.

This is a historic moment when Bharatiya Janata Party has got a historic victory in three big states.

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