BJP hits back at CM, says the government should not try to mislead the public once again

MLA Randhir Sharma termed Chief Minister Sukhu’s statement ridiculous in which he said that he is going among the public regarding the 15-month tenure of the government. Questioning the Chief Minister, he said, what is the achievement with which he is going among the public? What work has he done about which he is going among the public? He accused the government of merely harassing and harassing the public in these 15 months and making no efforts to fulfill the election promises and guarantees. Congress, which formed the government on the promise of giving Rs 1500 to women, has not been able to fulfill the promise even after one and a half years have passed. They are misleading the public that this amount will be given to women from May but when a provision of even ₹ 1 has not been made in the budget, then how will this guarantee be fulfilled.

He said that Congress had guaranteed that 300 units of free electricity would be provided but the government has not been able to take any steps regarding this. Congress also had a guarantee that ₹100 kg milk and ₹2 kg cow dung would be purchased from farmers, but that too proved to be a mere statement. By promising 5 lakh jobs, till date this government has not given job to even a single youth; on the contrary, 10,000 youth engaged in outsourced employment were fired. This useless government has done the work of closing more than 1500 institutions in 15 months. As soon as the government came to power, it increased the rate of diesel by ₹ 6 per liter and cement bag by ₹ 15 and increased the burden of inflation on the public. Will this government seek votes from the public on the basis of this? This government has not even spared the temples but the Chief Minister has started the practice of imposing tax on temples for the sake of Devi darshan. This government has taken so many anti-people decisions to trouble the public.

He said that Chief Minister Sukh should stop misleading the public, stop cheating the public. BJP will go among the people regarding the anti-people decisions taken by the Congress government in the last 15 months. Achievements of the Central Government, works in public interest and national interest, work for the poor, work to make the country the fifth economy in the world, eliminating terrorism and corruption from the country, building Baba Shivdham in Kashi Vishwanath, grand Ram temple at Ramjanmabhoomi in Ayodhya. The work of will go among the public regarding all these issues. This time the public will vote for BJP on the work done by Prime Minister Modi. By winning 4/4 seats, BJP is determined to make Prime Minister Modi the Prime Minister for the third time.

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