BJP constantly spreading misinformation about the stability of the government : Congress

Education Minister Rohit Thakur and Panchayati Raj Minister Anirudh Singh have denounced the BJP leaders, including the Leader of Opposition Jai Ram Thakur and State BJP President Rajiv Bindal, for constantly spreading misinformation about the stability of the Congress government. They said that the efforts of the BJP leaders to malign the image of the present Congress government were baseless. Involved in witch-hunting,  it seems that the BJP leaders in the State were not able to digest their defeat in the recent assembly bye-polls held in the State and were levelling false and unproven accusations on the present Congress Government.

In a joint press statement issued from Shimla today, Education Minister Rohit Thakur and Panchayati Raj Minister Anirudh Singh took a jibe at Jai Ram Thakur who is dreaming of and harbouring aspirations of forming a BJP government in the state to become Chief Minister, forgetting that despite the stable and strong mandate given to the Congress government by the people of State. They emphasized that the Congress’s success in winning four seats in the recent bye-elections is a testament to faith and the growing popularity of Congress government among the electors.

The Congress government has demonstrated its resilience and support among the people of Himachal Pradesh, as is evident in our success in winning four seats in the crucial bye-election. “We are confident of victory in the upcoming bye-polls in three constituencies which would further increase the strength of our MLAs to 41 in the assembly”, said the Ministers.

Unfortunately, Jai Ram Thakur persists in misleading the public with claims that 15 Congress MLAs were in touch with him is simply baseless and is mere propaganda, they said. 

Regarding the Chief Minister’s wife contesting elections, both the ministers clarified that the Chief Minister always expressed his unwillingness to make his wife jump into the political fray from Dehra. It was due to the directions of the Congress high command, that a survey was conducted in Dehra AC and living up to the expectations of the people, a decision was taken to consider the Chief Minister’s wife to contest elections, they remarked.

Responding to BJP’s allegations of nepotism, the Ministers said that it was hypocritical of BJP leaders to overlook instances wherein even Anurag Thakur, MP from Hamirpur was picked up from a political family with his father already as a serving Chief Minster then. Their unfounded claims are indicative of their frustration over the anticipated defeat in Dehra bye-polls

Rohit Thakur and Anirudh Singh further criticized BJP leaders for raising trivial concerns about the state government’s operations. They asserted that the previous Jai Ram government left the State in economic disaster, leaving behind a debt mounting Rs. 75,000 crore. They said that under the BJP governance, the mining mafia flourished the most. There was rampant corruption, nepotism was at its peak favouring the few which resulted in substantial revenue losses for the state. Moreover, the Ministers accused the BJP of manipulating recruitment processes to the detriment of youth prospects, and of opening institutions without budgetary allocation to gain electoral advantage.

They said that the Jai Ram government’s decision to halt subsidies for pesticides, neglected the interests of fruit growers and farmers besides this the employees were denied their rightful financial benefits was a clear exploitation of their rights denying them a dignified retired life.

They emphasized that under the able leadership of Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, the present Congress government has initiated comprehensive welfare schemes benefiting all segments of society. They also underscored the government’s commitment to reforming the system and fulfilled five out of ten electoral promises which the BJP was not able to digest. These initiatives have positively impacted women, the working class, students, youth and farmers-horticulturists and assured that the congress government would soon fulfil the remaining guarantees and promises given to the people of the State.

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