6 die in rain-related mishaps in Himachal toll mounts to 54 

The Monsoon furry continues in the state as in more than 60 rain-related incidents six people died, three are missing, 281 were stranded and 31 houses are damaged  21 roads, five bridges and three vehicles, and one hotel were damaged. The state disaster management authority said that number of people have struck inside the damaged house and in flooded places are being rescued and evacuated. 

State Government requisitioned the National Disaster Rescue Force and ten members of families are reduced to different places. Five people died in two different landslide and flashflood mishaps in Shimla district. In various places, about  281 people are stranded. In the last 24 hrs, 11 houses were damaged and 20 were partly damaged. 21 Roads are damaged including five National Highway and one four-lane. There are reports of the washing down of five bridges including Brua Khad, Tehsil Sangla in Kinnuar,  Akhara, & Patlikul Nagar bridge in Kullu, Solan-Tikkari. The reports just arriving here said that the Jhijadiwala bridge between Nalagarh and Swarghat and Chabba -Shiakara bridge on the Satluj River between Shimla and Mandi has been damaged. 

The state recorded five incidents of cloudburst or heavy rainfall, 20 landslides, 17 flashfloods, and two Fire 15 to 20 water logging. Among the major road Mandi:- NH–3 is blocked at several places between Mandi to Kullu due to the washing down of the hour lane in Kullu along the Beas River. The rising of Beas reiver disrupted the  NH-03 between Kullu to Manali at many places. In Lahaul & Spit  NH-505 BETWEEN Gramphu to Losar has been blocked, and State Highway-26 (SKTT) is closed from Tandi to Kadhu Nalluh.  In Kullu NH-305 between Aut to Jalori Road is also closed due to a landslide. Out of 12000 roads, most of the roads are affected by landslides and flashflood. 

With six more death monsoon death toll went up to 54 in the state and 96 persons have injured. In the Monsoon rain. According to the state government in the monsoon rain state reported seven Centre Notified Disasters, including Landslide, Cloudburst & Flash Flood, and 47 State Notified Disasters (Road Accident, Fire, Drowning, fall from Steep Rock, Snake Bite, Electrocution, etc.) 

During the monsoon rain, four persons are missing three in road accident-01, Drowning-2, and Flash Flood-01 . During the rainy season, a total of 46 houses were fully damaged and 108 partially. Besides this seven shops, 99 cowsheds, and 354 livestock or animals were also killed. Including Lumpy diseases, the people have to suffer the heavy loss of life and property. ON Sunday cumulative loss due to rain rose up to 354 Crore. With today’s rain furry 29 major landslides 24 flash floods and one cloud burst have been reported. 

The tragic news is pouring from all districts of the state however in terms of loss of life Shimla district recorded heavy losses on July 8 and 9 rain. In the capital town of Shimla incidents of landslides, flashfloods and the uprooting of trees left people panicked. This afternoon flashflood including a transformation along with trees hit a building at Rajhana village near New Shimla in the outskirt of the capital town. The house belonged to Baldev Sharma.  A 20 yrs old woman and an elderly woman living in the building got buried under the debris. An attempt is being made by the local people to take out the buried woman, in which a young woman has been taken out. While taking the girl to IGMC in an injured condition, she died on the way. While the elderly woman is still buried under the debris.

 The debris that came from the hill was so much that the whole inside the house was filled with debris and the tree also fell inside the house. Apart from this, vehicles have also been completely buried in the debris. The local people have informed the police and the administration about this. The police administration started the rescue operation after reaching the spot. At present, no trace of the woman has been found so far.

As rain continues to wreak havoc power and water supply is also paralyzed. Due to the rise of silt levels in the Giri River water supply has been suspended. As per data shared by officials, the Raw water turbidity in Giri is 16700 n.t.u as of this evening. An expert in the matter informed that they recognise up to 5000 NTU turbidity in previous years. So going by the previous data it has been observed highest in this season. Sahil Sharma of SJPNL has termed this turbidity as alarmingly high. This level of turbidity is bound the affect the water supply of Shimla in the next few days. Notably this morning only 6.34 Mld water was lifted for the capital which was about 40Mld lesser than the usual lifting days.

Water is said to be turbid when particles suspended in it restrict the transmission of light and give a cloudy or muddy appearance. Only small particles can remain suspended for significant periods of time. Relatively large and dense particles such as sand grains will sink rapidly. (internet information). State administration warned people to sue drinking water carefully as the level of silt may affect the functioning of water lifting to the town.

Meanwhile, reports suggest that silt levels are bound to increase in all water schemes in all rivers of the State. Moreover, these flash floods and increasing silt levels are likely to affect state power projects in the next 24 hrs as floodgates of most of the dams were opened after heavy rainfall in the state. The water of the Satluj River also flooded the 100 yrs old Chaba power project built by Britishers in 1924. Similarly, SJVNL and Chamera, Bhakra, and other power projects are opened or opening flood gates to desilt the dams due to jumping of silt level above the permissible limit. The silt level of the Largi and Suni dams is also increased.

A report arriving here from Chamba said that due to increased turbidity and silt in the discharge of the Ravi River Chamera, 2  dams floodgate is being opened. The power station is forced to channel this silt-laden discharge slowly into the river.  The power station is being shut down for the next 10-12 hours.  The downstream areas are being constantly warned by the sound of sirens as the discharge in the river is certain to increase.  Therefore, all of you are requested not to go to the banks of the river.  This information is issued in the public interest.  Issued in public interest by District Disaster Management Authority, Chamba. 

Any emergency special advisories have been issued by the district administration before releasing water. The opening of flood gates of Pandoh dam in Mandi district stranded many people. Reports arriving here said that nine people who are standardized in the Beas River were evacuated by a team of NDRF from the Kullu district. State Government announced to close down all educational institutions in the next two days. 

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