Pratibha Singh has said that BJP leaders are trying to mislead people

Pratibha Singh has said that BJP leaders are trying to mislead the people of the state by lying. She said that in the last elections, BJP had talked about constructing 69 National Highways in the state, they have not been made till date. Now they are talking about providing rail line in Chamba. She said that BJP has stretched all the limits of lies. .

Today, in the Pachhad assembly constituency of Sirmaur district, while addressing the election public meetings in favor of party candidate Dayal Pyari and Rajneesh Kimta in Tharoch of Chaupal, Pratibha Singh said that the country’s Home Minister Amit Shah has directed the development man of the former Chief Minister of the state, Virbhadra Singh. She said that this insult is on the pride of the state, which cannot be tolerated. He said that the people of the state avenged this insult on 12th November. Will vote in favor of Congress.

Pratibha Singh blamed the BJP for the rising inflation and unemployment in the country and the state. She said that the policies and decisions of BJP have ruined the country today. She said that the country is passing through serious challenges.

Pratibha Singh said that the Jai Ram government in the state has completely failed on every front. She said that today the state has sunk into debt of more than 70 thousand crores. She said that BJP has divided the state. This was the first such government in the state, which neither had any coordination with the officers nor any coordination with the employees. This was the reason that the Chief Minister used to take a decision on the first day and then had to take it back on the second day. Due to this, the Chief Minister had to change even the Chief Secretary several times during his tenure. The administrative system was weakened so much in which the entire meeting of the officers continued throughout his tenure.

Pratibha Singh said that during his tenure of Jai Ram Sarkar, he cut the ribbons of the works started by the previous Congress government. She said that there is no such development of BJP in whose name it can seek votes from the people.

Pratibha Singh urged for the victory of Dayal Pyari in Rajgarh by a huge margin and said that the decision of the party should be respected by all.

On the other hand, in Tharoch, in favor of Rajneesh Kimta, She urged the people to unite and make him victorious with huge votes. She said that the BJP has completely neglected the Chaupal area, so all party workers need to work unitedly to ensure the victory of Congress from here. She said that the BJP MLAs of this area could not live up to the expectations of the people. She said that the old pension of the employees would be restored as soon as the Congress government was formed in the state. Apart from this, 300 units of electricity would be given free of cost to get rid of the rising inflation, women would be ensured an income of Rs. 1500 per month. A startup scheme of 680 crores will be started in which interest free loan will be provided to unemployed youth to start self-employment.

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