YWCA Shimla organizes a conference on Justice and Women

The tri-regional conference of the three regions of the Young Women’s Christian Association, India – western, eastern, and northern regions was hosted by the YWCA Simla on 13- 14 May 2023. The theme of the conference is “Justice and Women ”. The keynote address was delivered by  Adv Peeyush Verma, practicing in the HP High Court since 1996. His Expertise is in Civil,  Criminal, and Revenue Laws.
He also is a standing  Counsel for various Boards and Corporations of the Central and State Governments.
Guest Faculty at the Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration and H.P. University Institute of Legal Studies.
Expert Panelist on the “Kanooni Salah” program telecast on Doordarshan Shimla. The conference was presided by Ms. Kunjamma Mathew, President of YWCA India. The keynote speaker highlighted the imperative provisions of the judiciary and constitution. He also spoke about various schemes for women and highlighted epic judgments on women-related issues.
Key sessions on the vision of the YWCA India for the quadrennium the theme of which is “We empower, leaving no one behind”. The theme encompasses – strengthening communities, nurturing nature, and building youth.
An insight into building and sustaining membership and the spirit of volunteerism was undertaken by Professor Meenakshi F Paul, Principal, Centre of evening studies HPU. The one and a half days conference was well taken by the members of the participating associations of the western, eastern, and northern regions.

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