Ruling BJP trying to ride on sacrifices of martyrs & Indian Armed forces belonged to all : Himachal Congress

Himachal State Congress unit lashed out at the BJP in Himachal for trying to ride on the sacrifice of martyrs to get electoral gain alleging that ruling party to run away from burning issues like price rise, lawlessness and lack of development, by raising emotional issues during the bye election.  
This was stated by the Himachal Pradesh Congress committee president Mr Kuldeep Singh Rathore while addressing a press conference here today. Mr Rahtoresaid that Congress could not be defeated in the bye-election by riding on the bodies of the Martyrs and claiming the valor of Indian Armed forces against the enemy.
” No Congress Prime minister like Narendra Modi tried to own the Indian Army for the sake of electoral gains however during Prime Minister ship of Congress leaders Indian Armed forces gave befitting reply to enemies” Mr Rathore said that one could not call Indian Armed forces with BJP or Congress since they belonged to all of us.
He accused the ruling BJP to divert the attention of voters by creating hype on the Indian Jawan and Security forces but one could not ride over the bodies of martyrs to gain the political power.
” If  BJP keep on raising such none issues it must explain failure of political establishment to contain incursion in Indian border by Chinese Army killing and mutilating bodies of Indian Jawan ” Mr Rathore was replying to a query regarding BJP election campaigns BJP have put Brigadier Kushal Thakur a hero of Kargil in the fray from Mandi Parliamentary seat.
”They could not face Congress on such issues as they must have explain that which Indian Prime Minister belonged to Congress Government visit Pakistan and China during its rule as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Atal Behari Vajpayee was the BJP ruled PM who have close ties with the enemy nation compared to Congress” Mr Rathore argued. 
 Congress leader said that minister of State for home in the Modi Government and his son involved to crushed the four protesting farmers at Lakhimpur Kheer in Uttar Pradesh, 
He commented that the minister  who is expected to ensure law and order in the country is himself indulged in grave crime unleashed on the peaceful farmers. 
Congress is fighting the bye election on the public issues which include unchecked and Skyrocketing of prices, lack of lawlessness, repression on the protesting farmers under garb of three farm laws, repent corruptions in education and Health department under Jai Ram Government, flight of industrial houses from the state and increasing unemployment and firing out state youth by the companies during the Covid lockdown.
Pandemic and epidemic also hit hard during Congress rule in past and massive vaccination drives were launched to contained the Pulse Polio and Tuberculosis but Like Narendra Modi trying to project him with Covid vaccination Congress prime minister never tried to take such benefit by raising hoarding spending public money for creating one’s own image. 
He claimed that Congress origination from state to booth level are united and there is no bickering in the party leader during the election would sweep by election in all the four constituencies going to poll in the state including Mandi Parliamentary.
Congress alleged that farmers of state, employees and common man are fed up with the anti people policy of Jai Ram Government and center could not be misguided and people would defeat it for its miss governance and creating lawlessness.

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