Monkey business in water distribution in Shimla HC seek details of Hospitality units

To dig out the holy Monkey play being adopted in the state capital Shimla and suburbs Himachal Pradesh High court today roped in the state tourism department to finds out the blacksheeps guzzling major chunk of Public water for commercial use. During the course of hearing jury posed some hard questions about number of commerical connection and number of Hospitality unit. Justice Tarlok Chauhan said that against 252 hotels in Shimla town there are 518 commerical connection if  hoteliers are paying bills for it General public also do so however who latter being denied of water supply vis a vis to commerical consumers. The Judge said that Oberoi clarks and Cicil Hotels are drawing supply of water being issued on commerical connection. After argument on the issue court passed order  directing Director tourism to furnish details of hotel properties registered in Shimla and around. Also the court appointed Anil Jaswal, AGM, SJPNL as an expert to furnish suggestions on measures regarding utilization of rain water, natural sources and rejuvenating the old water bodies in State of Himachal Pradesh before the next date of hearing. Arrying tourism department  party in the matter the double bench of Justice Tirlok Chauhan and Justice C.B Barowalia said that number of Hospitality units and its water supply should be ascertained, “We are of the considered view that certain endeavours are required to be made at the level of all the stakeholders to find a workable solution for the distribution of water.  The respondent-Tourism Department is directed to furnish the details of the hotels registered with it upto 31.5.2022, which falls within municipal limits and periphery of Shimla,” stated the court. Stressing on finding newer water sources the bench stated, “Apart from above, we are also of the view that certain areas adjoining to Shimla where adequate storage capacity – man made or constructed – need to be identified so that during the period of shortage of water, the authorities and citizens can fall back of such sources for daily needs and even for the commercial needs. Fixing the next date of hearing on August 30, 2022 court directef the state to file affidavit to this effect by the concerned authority on or before the next date of hearing,” concluded the court.

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