Mandi-Chhatri-Mandi bus service closed for the last 3 months

The area of ​​sub-tehsil Chhatri is the last and inaccessible area of ​​Saraj assembly and Mandi district from one side, but the bus service from the district headquarters to Chhatri has not been restored yet. The bus service had come to a standstill due to heavy rains and landslides in July. 

 Although the bus service from Mandi to Janjehli has been successfully restored, no bus service has been restored yet to Chhatri, due to which this area with a population of about 15 to 20 thousand is facing difficulties, although a college and sub-tehsil office.  Working in Chhatri, still one has to go to Janjehli and Thunag for many types of administrative work (block, hospital, police station, SDM), in such a situation, the people who are already suffering the loss of the disaster are not getting basic facilities like bus service.  Is!

 The distance from Janjehli to Chhatri is not very much, but in this 22-kilometer journey, there is a small pass (Magrugala) and two roads, yet the Chhatri area remains cut off from the district headquarters for 6 months in winter, and if such rains are added.  If we go then this separation becomes 9 months.

 Although, during the tenure of MLA from Seraj and former Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur ji, both the roads from Janjehli to Chhatri were paved and the bus service was also operational but due to the land holding in between, it was not enough.  The dream project also included making the Mandi – Janjehli – Chhatri – Nagan road a National Highway (NH), there was also talk of building a tunnel from Janjehli to Chhatri if this happens and a tunnel being built between Chhatri and Janjehli, then it will be useful for generations.  The long distance from here may end forever, although the Public Works Department has restored both the roads from Janjaheli to Chhatri for small vehicles and it is expected that bus service will also start soon, but due to spending crores of rupees every year.  Well, building the tunnel in one go is better than I can think of.

 This information was given by Bharatiya Janwadi Naujawan Sabha Siraj President Sunny Aditya in the press release. Sunny Aditya President Bharat Ki Janwadi Naujawan Sabha Saraj

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