Long queues in IGMC new norm : Satyavan Pundir

The Rehtoric of Goverment to provide free and accessable health services on the door steps of people always remained confined to Election manifesto however reality 180 degrees different. This was stated by the convenor of Janswasthya Abhiyan Satyavan Pundir while showing concern over heth services being rendered in states premier Health Institution Indra Gandhi Medical College Hospital. He said that people who arive at IGMC at 9:30 am on Monday have to brave long lines standing in long lines as even after an hour the slip is not being generated from the counter. The main reason for the queue at the counter is the failure of the kiosk machine. For the convenience of patients in IGMC, about 2 years ago, the administration had installed 2 kiosk machines near the slip counter by spending lakhs of rupees.  Patients could make their own registeration slip using these machines manuualy.  The process of making the slip was also easy.  Initially, patients took great advantage of these machines.  But, for a long time these machines are out of order. Moreover there is no benches to sit, the reception counter of IGMC does not even have benches for patients to sit.  There is a slip counter near the reception.  Where patients and attendants stand in line for hours to get the form made.  If some serious patients arrive here for treatment.  But, in the absence of a bench, he is also forced to stand.  Even if he wants to sit on the ground, the security personnel immediately pick him up.  This type of problem is coming with patients every day.  Ortho patients who come for treatment having more trouble.  Because ortho patients are unable to stand for long periods of time.  IGMC Executive MS Dr.  Saad Rizvi says that soon the kiosk machines will be fixed.  There has been some technical fault in the machines.  More patients arrive on Monday for treatment.  Due to which there are long lines. Mr Pundir told us that state of Out door service are utterly poor and it is like an adventurous to have the promot health care. 

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