Information given to women in Junga about the importance of daughters and nutrition fortnight

Courtesy of Integrated Child Development Project Mashobra, an awareness camp on the topic Beti Padhao Beti Bachao and Nutrition Fortnight was organized in Junga on Monday. Which was presided over by Junga Panchayat head Bansi Lal Kashyap. On this occasion, he was also administered the nutrition oath.
Child Development Project Officer Mashobra Rupa Rani, while giving information about the importance of daughters in society, said that daughters are the pride of the house which illuminates two clans. He urged the people not to create differences between sons and daughters but to nurture and educate both equally. He said that in the present context, daughters are progressing ahead of men in every field.
CDPO informed that this year Nutrition Fortnight is being celebrated from March 9 to March 23. In which women are being made aware of traditional and local diets. He also gave detailed information to the women about the consumption of coarse grains. The theme of this year has been to promote breastfeeding and optimal dietary practices for pregnant women, infants, and small children.
Dr. Manoj Verma, medical in-charge of Civil Hospital Junga, gave detailed information to the women about the PNDT Act. Center Manager Mashobra Bhavna gave information about the POCSO Act, 181 Women Helpline and Women Domestic Violence, etc. through One Stop Center and a representative of the Police Department.
Earlier, Circle Supervisor Junga Rohit Bindra and Supervisor Sangati Kalpana Verma welcomed the chief guest and gave information about various schemes being implemented by the department for the welfare of women and children.
Anganwadi workers, Asha workers, self-help groups, Mahila Mandal, and local women participated in this one-day awareness camp

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