Himachal road accident register 1032 fatalities last year

Himachal Pradesh registered death of 1032 People in 2557 road accidents last year this was stated by public works department minister Vikramditya Singh while addressing media person in the assembly on Friday.

He said that  in the year 2022, 1032 people lost their lives and 2597 injured in the accidents. 

He said that Department was repairing all the  black spots  in accident prone areas of  Himachal to reduced the number of road accidents and the number of fatalities

 He  said that PWD and police department jointly identifing the black spots as so far they have identified 6,509 black spots in the state. Out of this, 5,350 dangerous points have been fixed. 

“Effortss are on to mend and repair the remaining left out black spots. He said that an additional budget would be demanded from the Chief Minister to fix the black spot. ” Congress leader said.

 Minister said that there is a need to set up Intelligence Traffic Management System for road safety system, create separate traffic wing in top 7 accident prone districts. 

To avert these accidents  suggestions were also presented in the newly created DPR of PWD for installing crash barriers, making footpaths along with road construction, repairing traffic at crowded places. There are different criteria for marking black spots. After marking these places, works like widening them, installing crash barriers, parapets, sign boards are done, so that accidents can be prevented, he added.

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