Golden Jubilee statehood : HP Assy spl session on Sep 17,Prez to address HP Assy

Himachal Pradesh Assembly one day special session was conovened on Sep 17to commemorate the  golden jubilee celebration of Himachal Pradesh statehood and the President of IndiaRam Nath Kovind would address the house .
Himachal Pradesh Secretary Vidhan Sabha Mr Yashpal  Sharma said in a press statement issued here today that state Vidhan SabhaSpeaker Vipen Singh Parmar announced here today that Special session of state legislative assembly would beaddressed by the President of India here on Sep 17 to commemorate the 50 yrs of statehood of Himachal Pradesh.
He said that one day special session would be addressed by Prez at 1100 hrs on Sep 17 in the Vidhan Sabha complexwhich would be attended by the Governor of Himachal Pradesh Mr Rajinder Vishavnath Arlekar Chief Minsiter Jai Ram Thakur, leader of Opposition Mr Mukesh Agnihotri , all cabinet members of government and state assembly members and former vidhan sabha members.
Mr  Sharma said that President of India would schedule to arrive in the state on Sep 16, 2021 on his five day state visit and would stay at Rashtripathi Niwas at Mashobra. 
Mr Parmar said that state is commemorating 50 yrs of statehood as on Jan 25 ,1971 Himachal Pradesh became the 18 the Indian Republic. State Government have decided to celebrate 51 different eventsto mark the occasion and addressing of State Assembly by the President and special session would be    on of the event in the series of 51 events.
Mr Sharma said that Prez Ramnath Kovind would be third Indian President to address the state assemblyas before this Prez Dr A P J Abdulkalam and Pranab Mukharjee have been addressed this assembly. 
Vidhan Sabha speaker said that this hill state have made tremendous progress in every sphere of life after achieving complete state hood since Jan 25, 1971. 

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