Cultural program held in Raj Bhavan in honor of President in Shimla

A dinner was organized on Friday at Raj Bhavan in honor of President Ram Nath Kovind. Apart from this, cultural programs were also held.  Bathu ki Kheer was also served to the President in the dinner along with the vegetable of Guchhi.  Apart from this, many dishes were also made.  
The artists presented programs in front of the President in Himachali costumes.  Artists presented a gathering of Sirmauri Naati and Kangra.  Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, Acting Chief Justice of the State High Court Ravi Malimath were also present on the occasion.  He welcomed the President on his arrival at the Raj Bhavan.
 When the President came to know that people were facing problems during his stay in Shimla, he directed the administration not to harass the people.  After this, when the President’s convoy passed through Ridge Maidan and Mall Road for Raj Bhavan on Friday evening, the shops remained open.  People were moving around.  
The police had kept the road open for convoys. Here people were forbidden to walk, while people were walking smoothly from the other side of the road.  In such a situation, people were very happy after this decision of the President.  At the same time, the faces of the shopkeepers also remained happy.  
Shopkeepers and locals said that the administration should have made such arrangements even before the President asked.

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