BRO upgrading Sansari-Killar-Thirot-Tandi road in Himachal

Sansari-Killar-Thirot-Tandi road connecting Pangi Valley of Chamba  District to Lahaul Valley of Himachal Pradesh is being upgraded to  National Highway Double Lane by Project Deepak of BRO.

BRO adopted the state highway (26) to convert its National Highway into a double-lane NH as due to its strategic nature, as it provides connectivity potential between J&K and Himachal Pradesh.

The spokesperson of BRO said in a press release highlighting about upgrading of SKTT that once upgraded, it will give numerous dividends. 

BRO spokesperson said that it would facilitate the setting up of numerous Run-of-the-River Hydro Electric Projects (HEP) in River  Chenab in Himachal Pradesh. 500 MW Duggar HEP being planned by NHPC, will be the largest in the area.

 In addition, SJVNL has been awarded to construct Bordang HEP, Purthi HEP, SachKhas HEP, and Reoli-Dugli HEP in the area. NHPC is in close coordination with  BRO for the surfacing of unmetalled stretches of the road and up-gradation of the bridges to facilitate early construction of the HEPs.

Upgradation of the road would also enable yearlong connectivity to the people of the tribal belt of Pangi valley to the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh – a major commercial hub in the area – through BRO constructed Atal Tunnel, which otherwise used to get cut off for seven months from Nov-Jun each year. 

The economy of the region is also set to get a major boost because of the road in coming years and BRO is eager to be a lead player in this endeavor.

Presently, most part of the road is single-lane width with some stretches being unmetalled, causing inconvenience to travelers. The road stretch is very challenging which would be made double lane as par the BRO road standard.

It often remains disrupted due to frequent  Avalanches in winter and landslides during the rainy season and deep river valley on one side and a steep hard-rock face on the other side with precariously hanging rocks make travel on the road perilous to tourists and locals alike.

BRO Task Force, Manali has submitted a DPR for the Road stretch from Udaipur to Tindi (KM 40-70) to Project Deepak recently. 

It is also in the process of preparing DPR for two remaining stretches from Shour to Killar (KM 96- 125) and from Tandi to Thirot (KM 0-30) which are expected to be prepared by August 2023.

Land Acquisition and Forest clearance are being processed simultaneously for which BRO’s officials at Udaipur are regularly pursuing the matter with concerned civil administration officials as the commencement of work is conditional on the pace of land acquisition and Forest clearance by civil administration.

BRO also cautions computers that the present status of the road does cause some inconvenience to the locals and tourists alike. However, the conditions are transitory and soon the development of the project would fructify and provide a much-needed breather to all road users. 

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