BJP in last six months of regime open over 900 institutions without any budgetary provisions

Launching a veiled attack on the previous BJP Government, the PWD Minister Vikramaditya Singh and CPS Sunder Singh Thakur, said that the BJP in the last six months of its regime had announced to upgrade and open over 900 institutions in the State without any budgetary provisions to lure and befool the people of the State for political gains.

In a joint statement issued here today, they questioned the BJP leaders before their exit from the State about their four and a half years of rule,  wherein, they just danced and made merry and during the last six months they woke up from the sleep, opening institutions without money, which they termed as surprising.

The Chief Minister has reiterated time and again that the institutions will be re-opened after reviewing and assessing the need for the same after the budget and after making financial provisions and not like BJP which went on a spree announcing sops in a haphazard manner.

The said that the State would have require about Rs. 5000 crore for smooth functioning of these institutions but the previous Government did not make a provision of single penny.

There is a difference between the functioning of the BJP and the Congress. Unlike the BJP lust for power by hook or crook, the congress believes in fulfilling the promises and have already proved it by announcing the first guarantee by extending OPS benefits to the employees of the State, said the duo.

Remarking on the so called dream projects of the BJP, The Balh valley Airport and the Shiv Dham at Mandi, they said that though the BJP Chief Minster hailed from Mandi, but the focus was in Seraj constituency, rather than the State. That’s why both these projects along with many other schemes failed to take off, they asserted.

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