Avalanche may loom large in 4 district of Himachal SASE

With improvement in the weather conditions and bright sunshine the possibility of triggering avalanche in Lahaul-Spiti, Kullu, Chamba and 

Kinnaur district loom large , Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE) Manali has issued a warning and an advisory here today. According to a release issued by SASE to district administrations it said that  there are high probability of avalanches in four districts of state. According to the SASE,  Glaciers and icebergs may fall in Kullu, Lahaul Spiti, Chamba’s Pangi and Kinnaur districts.SASE advise respective Administeration to sounds an alert for tourists and general public, so it could avert any loss of life.  Avalanche may fall vulernable places of  Kullu district towards Manali as  avalanches may hit  in Jalori Pass connecting Nehru Kund, Kulang, Palchan, Kothi, Rohtang Pass, Solanganala, Dhundhi, Vyaskund, South Portal and Banjar, Aani sub-divisions of Kullu district. Three Avalanche already hit from Pir panjal mountain ranges in Udaipur area and now four danger markd are being traced by SASE in the glacies places  in Lahaul Spiti Tribal district Lahaul Spiti Glacier which are near  Koksar, Sisu, Tandi, Darcha, Sarchu, Udaipur, Kirting, Chhatdu, Batal, Losar, Sumdo etc. It was mainly dry today but Met Department have forcast possibility of snowfall in Kinnaur a d Chamba district. A warning of snowfall has been issued from the hills of Kalpa and Pooh in Kinnaur district, while there is a possibility of snowfall in many places in the Killar area of ​​Pangi Subdivision of Chamba. A warning has also been issued by the Defense Geoinformatics Research Establishment about the fall of Avalanche to District disaster management authority of Chsmba and Kinnaur for next 24 hrs. It advised  people to avoid traveling and going towards Avalanche orone axis in both district, where marks of avalanches falling have been placed. District Administration urges District Administration Kullu and Lahaul Spiti have also urged tourists as well as people not to go towards the avalanche prone area zone. People some time fall in false perception that it was mainly dry and sunny and their journey are safe however district administrations said that Avalanche mainly loom large in clears when there lull in the Weather condition.

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