After Giving final verdict, World’s largest democracy first voters demise 

During Ongoing festival of democracy of Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election and giving his verdict on this World largest democracy’s first voters  demise at his native village in Kalpa village of North Western Himalayan district of Himachal Pradesh. It is worthwhile to mention that Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election is scheduled to held on November 12.An Election Commission of India spokesperson said that Mr Negi was cast his Postal village on November 2 and he passed away this morning at his native place Kinnaur. He was India’s first voter and has cast ballot 34 times since independence.

He passed away at Kalpa at the age of 104. The deputy commissioner of Kinnaur informed that he would be created with full state honors. Recently, on November 2nd late Negi cast a ballot after the Election commission of India decided to facilitate all Centurion voters by way of providing them with the facility of a postal ballot. Born in July 1917, Mr Negi voted for the first time in 1951 in the general elections of India and has voted sixteen times in Lok Sabha Elections. In 2009 Look Sabha poll ECI declared him country first voter and gave red carpet welcome to him in every Election after that. He was also a state election icon since 2014.A teacher by profession, the centenarian had voted in every election since 1951 and never missed an opportunity to vote. Chief Minister Jairam Thakur and all other senior leaders of parties have extended their condolences on his demise.

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