Aastik Verma was elected head boy and Aastha Chandel was elected head girl in Chiyoga school

Student Council Organization (SCA) has been formed in Government Excellent Senior Secondary School, Chiog, to smoothly conduct school cognitive activities and maintain discipline, etc. in schools during the academic session 2024-2025. In which Aastik Verma was nominated as Head Boy and Aastha Chandel as Head Girl, while Mithali Chandel was chosen as School Captain, Aastha and Mayank were chosen as Sports Captains, and Yashaswini and Aman were chosen as Captains of Cultural Activities.
Principal Sandeep Sharma, while giving his best wishes to the newly elected SCA officials, said that to develop the spirit of competition among the students, four houses have been formed in the school so that competitions can be organized in each house on different subjects from time to time. Sandeep Kumar Sharma threw light on the importance of the Houses and the objective of SCA. He called upon SCA officials to extend full cooperation in school development activities.
On this occasion, all the school children including all the teachers and non-teachers of the school participated.

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