Dr. Krishna Lal Sehgal became the first artist of Himachal to get top grade in folk music

Prasar Bharati Directorate General of All India Radio, New Delhi, recently organized a program dedicated to Himachali Folk Music. Dr. Krishna Lal Sehgal received the highest grade for his remarkable achievements. According to music tradition, only the most proficient artists are bestowed with the title of ‘Pandit.’ Dr. Sehgal holds the distinction of being the first artist from Himachal Pradesh to achieve this prestigious honor.

In 1955, after the establishment of Akashvani Shimla, Dr. Sehgal’s talent shone brightly. He successfully passed the folk music voice test conducted by AIR Shimla. His contributions extended beyond Shimla, as his folk songs were broadcast from Jalandhar, Jammu and Kashmir, and Dharamshala centers. Aushman Radio Center Shimla recognized his significant impact on folk music in 1998, and in 2013, the Himachal Pradesh government honored him with the Himachal Gaurav Award.

Dr. Krishna Lal Sehgal’s artistic prowess extends beyond folk music. He is also a highly qualified Ghazal singer. Throughout his career, he has prioritized the preservation and propagation of Himachal’s rich musical heritage.

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