After Chamba Rumal, Chamba Chappal & Lahauli Knitted Socks & Gloves from Himachal get GI Tag

Three more indigenous artisan  products of state namely Chamba Chappal, Lahauli Knitted Socks and Gloves were given GI tags, by the National GI authority recently, a senior officer of state Government told us.
Member secretary of Himachal Pradesh Council for Science , Technology & Environment ( HIMCOSTE ) Mr Sudesh Kumar Mokhta told us that Himachal Pradesh Patent Information Center ( HPPIC ) and HIMCOSTE  has got the GI Patent of  Chamba Chappal and Lahauli Knitted Socks & Gloves.He said that the state has moved for registration under the Geographical Indications ( Gls ) of Goods Act , 1999 before the GI registrar three years ago three products of the state have been placed under GI tag .

” It is matter of pride for the State of Himachal Pradesh that Chamba Chappal and Lahauli Knitted Socks & Gloves , the valuable traditional crafts of Himachal Pradesh , have been registered by the Registrar of Geographical Indications by the Government of India . ” He said. He said that applications for registration of Chamba Chappal under GI  Act , 1999 were filed jointly by  HPPIC  and HIMCOSTE  and Ambedkar Mission  Society , Chamba on behalf of manufacturersor producers of Chamba Chappal. and Lahauli Knitted Socks & Gloves  was filed in collaboration with ‘ Save Lahaul Spiti Society ‘ with the office of the Registrar of GI at Chennai . 

Chamba Chappal and Lahauli Knitted Socks & Gloves after Kullu Shawl , Kangra Tea , Chamba Rumal , Kinnauri Shawl , Kangra Painting , Himachali Chulli Oil and Himachali Kalazeera are respectively the eighth and ninth traditional products of Himachal Pradesh which will get protection under GI Act , 1999, he added.
” Registration of Chamba Chappal and Lahauli Knitted Socks & Gloves under GI Act would prevent unauthorized production as well as misuse of the name of Chamba Chappal and Lahauli. Knitted Socks & Gloves originating from a place different than the place of their origin that is No unauthorized manufacturers could call their chappal produced outside Chamba as Chamba Chappal or Chamba like chappal etc. ” he said 

 Ambedkar Mission Society and Himachal Pradesh Patent Information Center will further deal with issues related to Gl . Under the GI Act, unauthorized use and infringement of the registered GI by producers other than those from the region of origin of these products could result in maximum of three years imprisonment and a fine of maximum of Rs. 2,00,000 under the GI Act. 
It would help to boost up the market potential for Chamba Chappal and Lahauli Knitted Socks & Gloves will further help  in economy of the regions. HIMCOSTE  would organize a workshop soon at Chamba and Keylong for the stakeholders of Chamba Chappal and Lahauli Knitted Socks & Gloves for formulating an Action Plan for future strategy.
Himachal Pradesh is the first State in the country to formulate a policy for the registration of Geographical Indications of its ingenious products to safeguard the interest of artisans and local entrepreneurs. 
Under the policy guidelines   HPPIC  and HIMCOSTE  , has been declared as the nodal agency for identifying Gls of HP and getting these registered under the GI Act so as to protect the interests of manufacturers, producers and artisans  in the state of Himachal  . 
After getting registration under the GI act  it would boost up the state economy in the modern era of globalization  and protect and conserve rich cultural heritage of the state, he added.

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