Wrath simmering in Congress factions against its own rule in Himachal

Eight Months old Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu’s government facing the wrath of a party faction the way they are being ignored vis-a-vis by Chief minister loyalists.

Former party PCC chief and MLA from Theog Kuldeep Rathore raised questions from their own party rule over the alleged delay in the appointment of office bearers in vacant boards and corporations in the state.

Cautioning over simmering wrath among party workers against their own rules he said that it was because of them(workers) that Congress is in power today and workers should not be ignored.  

The spokesperson of the All India Congress Committee also said that workers’ expectations must be addressed and the chief minister should post them on vacant boards and corporations.

Being the former president of the party he said that he could feel their expectations which must be respected.  

The former party leader also draw the attention of the Chief Minister that workers who are still facing Political cases registered during BJP government agitation, should withdraw.

Questioning the accountability of Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu Mr. Rathore said that after having been in power government has not bothered to cancel such cases to date.  He said that Congress workers are angry.

He said that three posts of cabinet ministers are vacant in the Himachal government many  Chairman and Vice Chairman are also to be posted in various boards and corporations.  

Reacting sharply on the extension of some IAS officers after their due retirement he said that the Sukhu government should not move ahead with tired and retired officers as it would upset party workers for showing undue favor to bureaucracy.

Congress leaders including Mr. Rathore seem to be upset about the way the Sukhu government offered the plum post to one faction of the leaders close to CM

It is worthwhile to mention that leaders and workers affiliated with former chief minister Virbhadra Singh also known as the Holilodge faction are constantly being sidelined.

He accused his own rule of a lack of coordination in the government organization and voiced his concern over the unity of government.

Mr Rathore has been met with AICC Chief Mallikarjun Kharge in Delhi showing his anguish on the unilateral appointment of Board-Corporations and sideling others.

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