Vocational training at Govt School Tutikandi

Today, on 25-04-2022, a Kashal based fair was started under the Government School Tutikandi Vocational Education. In which 30 participants are participating. Which will end on 29-09-2022. Various programs will be organized in this. In which testing is an important link, keeping in view the basic objective of vocational education (work to every hand), training is being given to the students like collecting chile leaves and making useful things from it like making rakhi from natural things like roti Along with the manufacture of items, boxes, pencil boxes, etc., the message of protecting the environment is also being given, by collecting the leaves of the eagle obtained from the surrounding environment, valuable items are being made from it. Its second advantage is that the problem of fire in this forest can be got rid of, earlier it was common to catch fire in the forests, in future to get rid of this problem, collect the leaves of the eagle from the forest and use it properly. The first step is being taken towards green economy, it was launched by the Principal of the school, Mr. Nitika Sharma. In this fair, Caravan President Ishu Thakur made a special contribution, as well as vocational education coordinator Mr. Seema Sharma and business teacher Mr. Amit Thakur made commendable contribution in this.

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