Villagers made aware of domestic violence

A free legal aid and literacy camp was organized by the School of Law of Lingyas Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University at Government Primary School, Tilori, to make people aware about domestic violence. Head of the School Professor (Dr.) Monica Rastogi told that this program was organized by University Chancellor Dr. Picheshwar Gadhe, Prof. Chancellor Professor (Dr.) M.K. It was done under the direction of Soni. On this occasion, the boys and girls of the department made people aware about domestic violence through street drama and explained in detail about the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act. Informed about what remedies related to this can be obtained from the court. He told that if a woman is facing domestic violence then she can get immediate help on the helpline number 1091, 1291 of the Domestic Violence Officer.
Besides, law related problems of the villagers were also resolved on this occasion. The people present in this camp were given an oath to stop domestic violence. Registrar Prem Kumar Salwan and Dean Professor (Dr.) Seema Bushra congratulated all the staff members of the department on the success of the program. Ruchi Kaushik, Shilpa Sharma, Dr. Suresh Nagar, Shivendra Kumar, Vivek Gupta, Dr. Anjali Dixit, Mohini Taneja, Durgendra Singh Rajput and Sveksha Bhadauria were present on this occasion.

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