Vikramaditya had resigned after holding a press conference, now he is praising the government: Satti

BJP’s former state president and Una MLA Satpal Singh Satti took a dig at Congress state president Pratibha Singh and her son PWD minister Vikramaditya Singh and said that currently the Congress state president and her son are singing praises of the Congress government of the state whereas four months ago Vikramaditya Singh had resigned from this government in a press conference and expressed his state of mind while crying. Similarly, Pratibha Singh had also questioned the Sukhu government in front of the media many times that the workers are being ignored in the government, the work of the workers is not being done. That is why she had decided not to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Mandi. But Sukhwinder Sukhu gave ticket to her son from Mandi Lok Sabha seat to teach her a lesson.

Satpal Satti said that Congress felt that Mandi Lok Sabha was their traditional stronghold but under the leadership of Leader of Opposition and former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur, BJP workers and people of Mandi Lok Sabha sent BJP candidate to Parliament and told them whose stronghold Mandi was. Mandi is no longer a stronghold of Congress and neither is it the fiefdom of kings and maharajas. He said that everyone knows that Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu always considered former Chief Minister late Virbhadra Singh as his arch rival and kept working against him but today to fulfill their political desires, Congress State President and her minister son Sukhu have bowed down before the government.

The BJP leader said that Pratibha Singh and her son Vikramaditya change their colours like chameleons. Sometimes they go against the government and sometimes praise the government. What kind of political pressure are they under due to which they did not take care of Virbhadra Singh’s legacy and his honour and dignity. Virbhadra Singh was such a leader who never compromised on political values ​​even in front of the Congress high command but today his family members are doing double-faced politics instead of taking his legacy forward.

Satpal Satti said that the internal conflicts of Himachal Congress are well known. Ministers are upset in Sukhu government, MLAs are upset, workers are upset, public is upset. No section is happy with this government. The unemployed are not getting jobs, government employees are not getting their allowances, pensioners are not getting their pensions on time nor are they getting their medical bills. Employees of water carriers and outsourced companies are not getting their salaries for two-three months and the government is pushing Himachal towards economic crisis by taking loan after loan for its own comforts.

He said that in the Lok Sabha elections, this government openly misused the government machinery. Efforts were made to influence the elections with money power, employees were harassed, businessmen, small shopkeepers were harassed, people were intimidated, intimidated, despite this the people of the state showed the mirror to the state government by making BJP win all the four seats. The Chief Minister lost even in his home constituency, his ministers, chairmen, vice chairmen of CPS, boards, corporations were also not able to give Congress an edge in their constituencies and out of 68 assembly constituencies, the Bharatiya Janata Party won in 61 assembly constituencies. This clearly means that this government has lost its faith in the people.

The BJP leader said that this government is a government of the corrupt, a government of friends, a government of liars. In this government, only the friends are benefiting and the common people are suffering.

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