Convention will be held on August 6 at Shimla against the anti-outsourced employee policies of Govt

A delegation of the CITU State Committee met the Health Minister Col. Dhani Ram Shandil and handed over a demand letter against the decision to fire about 1800 Covid outsourced workers working in the health department of the state. The Health Minister has assured that no outsourced employee of the Health Department will be fired. CITU has warned that if the employment of 30,000 outsourced workers hangs in the balance, there will be a statewide agitation.

CITU State President Vijender Mehra and General Secretary Prem Gautam have said that a massive convention will be held on August 6 at Kalibari Hall in Shimla against the anti-outsourced employee policies of the state Congress government and there will be a protest against the government. He said that the role of outsourced employees during the Corona period has been exemplary. For the last fifteen years, outsourced workers have been playing a very important role in the smooth functioning of the state government departments, but their condition is pathetic. Despite taking equal work from outsourced workers to regular employees, they are paid extremely low wages, which sometimes do not reach them even for months. The decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court on equal pay for equal work dated 26 October 2016 has not been implemented for them. They get only one-third of the salary compared to regular employees, despite taking more work. They have not been brought under the ambit of EPF, ESI, holidays and overtime pay. If somewhere EPF and ESI facility is applicable, then both its shares are deducted from the workers. 18 percent GST is also deducted from the salary of the employees. There is no policy governing their employment. The previous BJP government had cheated these workers and the Congress government is also following the same path. Nursing staff, data entry operators, ward attendants, security, cleaning, laundry, mess and all other types of paramedical staff, who put their lives at risk for patients in the health department during the Corona period, are being shown the way out of their jobs today. . They are not being given extension of service. His presence is also not felt. They are not even getting salary. Thousands of employees of Jal Shakti Department and other departments have been laid off before 1800 outsourced workers of the Health Department were laid off. The government is arguing that now the outsourced system will end and there will be regular recruitment, but where will the outsourced workers who have been providing services for twenty years go. The issue of daily bread has arisen for their families. He has demanded from the Chief Minister that while formulating the policy, it should be kept in mind that all the 30,000 outsourced workers working in the government departments should be made regular and only then new appointments should be made.

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