Three more missing, toll mounts to 20

The Weeklong unprecedented rainfall took death toll of about 20 persons as reports of mishap, landslide, drowning and missing are pouring in from various places of state. The state disaster Management authority spokesperson said that  that a incident of Vehicle Accident occurred at Near Bazirbabdi Tehsil Nimand District Kullu due to this one Car fall Down in  Satluj river and one person missing in this incident. The deceased person identified as Rajkumar S/o Dohlu Ram Village Malidhar PO Ghatu, Nirmand Tehsil. Another incidents of drowning occurred at Bhangotu (Ghera –Kareri Road )Ghaj Khad due to this one person Named Ravi Kumar S/o Hirdu Ram R/o Kareri drowned in Ghanj Khad .Police

team and local people are on spot & SDRF team moving for search operation. A Landslide occurred at Plashla (Giripul) Rajgarh, Tehsil Nohradhar District Sirmaur due to which One JCB buried under the debris. In the Incident JCB Driver is

Missing. Search and Rescue Operation is going on by Local Administration. The missing person identified as  Ankit S/o Sh. Kuldeep Kumar R/o Village Kita, P.O Lanacheta Tehsil Nohradhar District Sirmaur.It has been stated earlier that that 12 People killed and five others missing since Monday. Weather gave respite as it was misty sunny in most places on Tuesday .

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