This celebration is a betrayal of the people of Himachal: Bindal

Bharatiya Janata Party Himachal Pradesh celebrated one year of the state government as Aakrosh Diwas across the state.

BJP State President Dr. Rajeev Bindal said that the Congress government of Himachal has incurred huge expenses: illegal appointment of CPS, appointment of many people on cabinet rank, huge expenditure on hoardings and publicity and tax burden on the poor people. Both Congress Party and corruption have become synonymous. More than Rs 200 crore has been recovered in the raids on the company of a Congress MP, but the entire Congress is silent. This is the move, face and character of Congress.

Congress government is happy in celebration, people of Himachal are suffering.

Celebrating: Increase in inflation.

Celebrating: Increase in unemployment.

Celebrating: The rise of the drug mafia.

Celebrating: Deteriorating law and order situation.

Celebrating: Not fulfilling the guarantee.

Celebrating: Closing of 1050 institutions.

This celebration is a betrayal of the people of Himachal.

He said that development has come to a standstill and the public is suffering. In the last one year, the present Congress government has closed 1050 institutions, stopped the construction work of roads, and stopped the work of hundreds of bridges which had started to be built. Divisions of PHC, IPS, PWD were closed, all these works were opened by the previous government in public interest due to which the development was supposed to get faster but now the development of the state is waiting at the last step. But government work has stopped. It is clearly visible that there is obstruction in the works and the state is running on Ram’s trust.

Bindal said that due to inflation, people are suffering. In one year, the government increased the VAT on diesel twice, due to which diesel became costlier by Rs 7, which increased the burden on the people of the state. Cement, rebar, brick, gravel and all the materials used in construction work became expensive and the fare of trucks increased. The government has not lagged behind in harassing the public by increasing the fares in HRTC and imposing tickets on the goods to and fro transportation.

Preparation to sell tax and gold and silver in temples. This government, which is crying about income, has imposed tax on the darshan of Gods and Goddesses in temples, this has never happened till date and now preparations are also being made to sell gold and silver. This clearly indicates that the government can go to any extent to increase the means of earning in Himachal Pradesh.

Suffering prevails in the government of happiness. The government which promised a government of happiness has done the work of giving misery to every section of the society in Himachal Pradesh, women did not get Rs 1500 per month, unemployed people did not get employment, could not get jobs in the first cabinet, farmers did not get their crops. They could not fix the prices, this government could not buy cow dung, could not buy milk, the government has banned public welfare schemes, there is only sadness, sorrow and sorrow in this government.

Congress is one, but houses are many. The state has been hurt by the infighting within the Congress party, those talking about unity are seen disintegrating into various camps and this is causing direct loss to the state because due to lack of coordination, many big works are not being implemented on the ground. Are able to get down. The decision of Sardar Patel University was not in public interest and it happened only because of Congress’s lack of coordination with you.

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