The number of people facing hunger in the country has reached 23 crore: Dr. Tanwar

On the special occasion of World Food Day, Himachal Kisan Sabha has made an effort to keep the general public informed about the food security situation at the country level. State President of Kisan Sabha, Dr. Kuldeep Tanwar said in a statement issued on Monday that the food security situation of India is not good. The latest Global Hunger Index GHI released last week has once again highlighted the worsening situation of food insecurity and malnutrition in India. He said that as we are celebrating another “World Food Day” on 16th October.
Dr. Tanwar said that the latest Global Hunger Report has revealed that India’s rank has further fallen to 111 among 125 countries in the Global Hunger Index. Last year it was 107 out of 121 countries. When the Modi regime came to power in 2014, India’s rank in GHI was 55th out of 120 countries. The Food Security and Nutrition Status Report released jointly by five UN organizations in July revealed that the number of people facing moderate or severe food insecurity in India increased by 57 crore between 2019-21 and 2020-22. It has become Rs 59 crore. And the number of people facing chronic hunger increased from 22 crore to 23 crore.
He said India’s falling rank in terms of GHI has once again shown that the COVID pandemic and the harsh lockdown imposed by the Modi government in 2020 without any planning had a devastating impact on people’s lives. The adverse impact of the loss of livelihoods due to the pandemic and lockdown was not mitigated by the welfare programs of the Modi government. It is worth remembering that despite having more than 100 million tonnes of grains in the warehouse, the Modi government refused to expand the scope of the public distribution system and universalize access even during the pandemic.
The continuous worsening of the food insecurity situation in India is a result of the Modi government’s indifference towards the Indian people. Instead of recognizing the seriousness of the economic crisis in general and the agricultural crisis faced by millions of people in India in particular, and working to reduce poverty and food insecurity in India, the Modi government’s response was to close the survey, all independent Is to dismiss the evidence.
Dr. Kuldeep Singh Tanwar said that in the coming months, the Kisan Morcha will unite the farmers at the All India level to defeat this anti-people government. Modi government will be held accountable for its anti-people policies and the suffering caused to the people.

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