The anger of the youth will uproot this throne: Rajendra Rana

Rajendra Rana, who has scored a hat-trick of victories from Sujanpur assembly constituency, has said that the government should issue a white paper on how many youth have been given employment in the state during the last 14 months because it will help in bringing Congress to power in the state. The youth had contributed enthusiastically.

Rajendra Rana has put his post on social media and put the state government in the dock, saying that during the 14-month rule of Chief Minister Sukhu, the youth of the state have been forced to protest on the streets and this government has not stopped the youth. Made me cry tears of blood. He said that when he raised his voice in favor of these youth, the Chief Minister started humiliating him and even in matters of development, his constituency started getting step-motherly treatment. He said that the Chief Minister adopted a dictatorial attitude against the other MLAs who raised their voice in favor of the youth and kept humiliating them. He said that the Sukhu government in the state has duped lakhs of youth in the name of providing jobs and has distributed cabinet ranks among its friends like rabble-rousers. He said that humiliating the elected MLAs and giving freedom to their friends to loot can be called the only achievement of this government.

Rajendra Rana said that leave aside releasing the results of the interviews of the youth, the Sukhu government has betrayed the youth by banning even routine jobs.

Rajendra Rana raised the question and said that the youth of the state whom we are repeatedly talking about providing employment to, are they not the children of this state.. Had they not voted for us? Now, what is the fault of these children whose future the Chief Minister is playing with?

Rajendra Rana has also questioned the Chief Minister whether he

The issue of dissident leaders staying in five star hotels is being raised on every platform, but why are they not able to answer the question that during their official visit to Chandigarh, instead of staying in the CM suite at Himachal Bhawan, they are staying with their security personnel. Why did you stay in a five star hotel at night after moving from right to left and what did you do there? He said that the people of the state want to know the reason and its secret from the Chief Minister.

Rajendra Rana has also asked sarcastically that

Will the Chief Minister tell the people of the state that how did his friends, who did not even have money to fill petrol in their Maruti car till a year and a quarter ago, get property worth crores of rupees in these 14 months? Where did they rush to buy land and start building their luxurious buildings? Which lamp has the Chief Minister placed in his hand, which is making him a rich man overnight?

Rajendra Rana said that the secrets of those who have created such loot are going to be revealed in the coming time and the naked truth of this is also going to be revealed to the people of the state.

Rajendra Rana said that the kind of language the Chief Minister is using about disgruntled leaders does not match the proud culture and decency of Himachal and the people of the state do not like such language.

Rajendra Rana has also asked the Chief Minister whether he will show the moral courage to tell the public who is the real culprit of the current incident and who created such a situation in his government that the elected representatives of the people started being humiliated.

He said that on one hand you call yourself warriors and insult the elected representatives. They insult the youth of the state. They give them false guarantees and then turn a blind eye. The people of the state are not going to tolerate this.

Rajendra Rana warned in clear words that he is not going to sit silent now. Playing with the youth of the state will not be tolerated and all those dissatisfied leaders will always keep challenging this blind and deaf government to raise their voice because they cannot tolerate betrayal of the youth of the state.

Rajendra Rana said that Chief Minister Sukhu should take a lesson from history and understand the fact that “the world moves in the direction in which the youth power moves”. Because no dictator in the world has been able to stand before the power of youth. The roar of youth destroys the pride of dictators and their thrones collapse like sand castles.

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