State constitutes fact finding committee to probe cause of collapse of 8 storey building in Kachi Ghatti Shimla

Himachal Pradesh Government today constituted a three member high level fact finding committee to look into the sudden collapse of an eight story’s building at Kachi ghatti suburb of this capital town yesterday.
Talking to us Commissioner of Shimla Mr Ashish Kohli said a three member committee comprising Deputy Commissioner Shimla Mr Aditya Negi, Secretary Urban Development Rajneesh and Shimla MC Commissioner Ashish Kohli. 
The fact facing committee would probe into the reason and causes of collapse of the eight story buildings within a week(till Oct 7). The Committee would also find the devastation being caused to the nearby buildings due to mishap. 
Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner Shimla has asked the structure engineer of Shimla MC to find out about the safety of two other adjacent buildings( including a hotel). Administration want to ensure the condition of adjacent buildings above the collapsed one if they are safe to similar mishap as any eventuality may cause devastation in the area further after exposing their foundation walls too. 
It is worthwhile to mention that the administration evacuated the occupants of two others multistory buildings after their foundation got opened by the collapsing of ill fated 8 storeys building yesterday.
The people in nearby areas and make shifted victims are living under distress or shell shocked after yesterday havoc. Two others two floored houses or buildings  beneath misshaped one swallowed yesterday snatching  the roof over them. The owner of two story buildings is in deep pain as multistory building fell on her house she asked what was her fault.
There are reports that rubbles spill down the valley. Dozens of inhabitants living in them are living under threat whose families are constantly throbbing with the mountains. Secy UD Mr Rajneesh said that the fact finding committee would also find out the safety and vulnerability of  nearby buildings in premises. 
Spot inspection showed that cracks have developed in the foundation walls of other buildings under the impact of devastation that happened after falling down the eight story house yesterday. Administration
The victims affected by the eight story building are Guruvachan Singh, Gurmeent Singh  K R Sharma, Rajeev Sood, Narayan Singh and Vickey Sood .  
Two Story others buildings(buried under eight sty )  of Ms Nrmala Bhatt and Narayan Cottage collapsed. Including occupants Ms Nirmala Bhatt , Ms Ashok Kumar, Babu Ram and Bhisham Dutt. Administration have handed over  Rs 10,000each to the victim yesterday.
According to the administration eight story building Darshan Cottage was destroyed due to land slide after heavy recent rain  which further hit another two story building of Narayan Cottage got damaged the estimated damage was measured tune to Rs Six Crore more and adjacent hotel Hari Palace and other building are at risk.
Fortunately Administration was already alarmed by the victims and they have evacuated all the residents but the belongings of many victims family  including Certificates, Degrees and essential papers have been buried and damaged mishap   

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