Six rebels who joined BJP sold their faith: Congress

MLAs Harish Janartha and Suresh Kumar have said that the six Congress rebels who switched sides and joined the BJP sold their faith and betrayed the voters of Himachal Pradesh. He said that the value of a person who is sold is not worth even a penny. During the Rajya Sabha elections, six rebels not only betrayed the party but also insulted the sentiments of the people of their constituency. Just a year and a quarter ago, all of them contested the assembly elections on the election symbol of the Congress Party and believing in the policies of the Congress Party, the voters made them victorious, but due to their interests, now they have imposed the unnecessary burden of by-elections on the public. He said that the public will never forgive those who betray the party and break the trust of the people of their constituency. Congress candidates will certainly be victorious on all six assembly seats and the defeat of the rebels is certain. The people of the state are spitting on the activities of the rebels and now the people of the state are not going to buy into their lies.

Harish Janartha and Suresh Kumar said that all the rebels should tell the people of the state what price they have paid for their faith. Why has he become a puppet in the hands of BJP? Who bore the expenses of his five-star hotels, his helicopter, and chartered plane outings when he stayed out of the state for a month? He said that during the tenure of the BJP government, papers were auctioned, the future of the youth was played with, and government employees were harassed and made fun of for asking for old pensions. Not only this, the guarantee of providing Rs 1500 per month to women was fulfilled by the present state government, while the BJP, giving evidence of being anti-women, stopped the process and deprived women of their rights. He said that during the tenure of the previous BJP government, every section of the society was oppressed and the rebels were speaking the language of the same BJP. He said that the rebels should also tell the people of the state the reason for standing with the anti-people BJP. He said that the real face of the traitors of the Congress party and the BJP in their conspiracy to destabilize an elected government has been revealed to the public and the public is ready to teach them a lesson. In the Lok Sabha elections and by-elections for six assembly seats to be held on June 1, Congress Party candidates will win by a huge margin.

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