SIT claims to solved jigsaw puzzle of Himachal police paper leak

State Special Investigation Team Probing boggest ever questions paper leak case claimed to solved the Jigsaw puzzle by arresting the person responsible for leakage of examination paper from the printing press to linked mafia of six persons have been identified as 121 accusedsed were arrested by the SIT. A Press release issued by the Director General of Police Sanjay Kundu here today said that  SIT has achieved a major breakthrough in this major jigsaw-puzzle case. The six persons have been arrested by a team of Mandi  who are the primary sources of leakage of question paper. Six accuseds colluded with each other and leaked the question paper from printing press. SIT was making all out efforts to assemble the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle to achieve the complete picture of this crime. Accused  Sudhir Yadav(40) s/o Karu Yadav r/o Akbarpur Dist. Nawada Bihar is part time worker at the printing press. He has leaked the question paper of Himachal Police Constable recruitment in March and further provided question paper to Gautam Kumar Bharti through Gore Lal Yadav on the direction of Subodh Singh, Bharat Yadav and Arvind Kumar. He said that Gore Lal Yadav (39) Yadav s/o Dawarka Parsad r/o Warsiliganj Nawada Bihar , he was Security guard at a private company Okhla, Delhi. He provided the question paper of Himachal Police Constable recruitment to Gautam Kumar Bharti on the direction of Subodh Singh , Bharat Yadav and Arvind Kumar. Gautam Kumar Bharti (36) s/o Brinder Parsad r/o Athmal Gola, Badh Pata Bihar,  he has procured question paper from Gore Lal and further sent the same to his brother Bharat Yadav. Subodh Kumar(48) s/o Chuli Singh r/o Warsiliganj Nawada. He is intermediate between Sudhir Yadav, Gore Lal and Bharat Yadav, Arvind Kumar for providing question paper and  Arvind Kumar (42) s/o Shambu Parsad r/o Kawakaol Nawada, Bihar, He is master mind along with Bharat Yadav in the whole conspiracy. Till date 121 persons have been arrested in this case. Total 85 candidate and three, parents of candidates, 33 Agents=33 (18 from within HP and 15 from various States other than HP)  are in ambit of probe. SIT deized items Rs. 10,34,900 cash from Agents including Rs. 6000 Nepal Currency, six Cars, 154 Mobile Phones, five Laptop, one DVR, ten Hard Disks, one Pen Drive, Three Memory Card , one  Jio-Fi, six Original certificates of candidates (Matric and Plus Two) from Agents and Institutes involved, two Account Passbook, two Cheque Books,  Transaction record of account with RTGS total 18 pages, three PAN Cards, two Adhaar Card, seven ATM/Debit Cards etc. one eachAttendance Register &  Rough Register, three Visitor Register and identity proof, one Xerox copy of Visitor Register & two Xerox copy of Adhar Cards, one Diary, Photo copy of Air tickets, ID’s and Screen Shot of Whats App Chat, Digital Watch, three Page of Rent Agreement, One copy of a Disha Coaching Centre Agreement, one Voter ID Card, one driving licence was recovered for the investigation. So far three coaching centres, two by Kangra police and one by Una police (Bhasker Coaching Centre, Rohtak) are under scanner.Gangs from Bihar, UP, Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Delhi and Himachal are involved.The paper work is being completed simultaneously to hand over the case to CBI as and when Investigating Agency arrives to take over the investigation of this case.

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