Senior Cong leader & former Minister G S Bali passed away

 Senior Congress party leader of Himachal Pradesh and former minister G S BALI passed away after at AIIMS Delhi after prolonged illnesses, a family members informed

He was 67yrs old, born in family of Mr M.S. Bali; on 27-07-1954 at Kangra Mr Bali did Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. He left behind one son and two daughters. Before entering in active  he was a successful Industrialist and Agriculturist.

During his Poltical career he also hold the portfolio ofV ViceChairman and subsequently Chairman, State Social Bodies Federation; Convener, Indian National Congress, Vichar Manch, (1990-97) President, Congress Seva Dal, (1995-98); Joint Secretary, Pradesh Congress Committee, (1993-98); and Founder President, Himachal Nagrik Sudhar Sabha.

Elected to Pradesh Vidhan Sabha in (1998); re-elected in (2003, 2007 and , 2012). Remained Transport Minister, 2003 to 2007 and 2012 to 2017).

Undertook ‘Berojgar Yatra’ during 2012 throughout Himachal Pradesh for the cause of un-employed youths of the Pradesh as a result of which un-employment Allowance has been granted by the Government.

Elected to the State Legislative Assembly for five consecutive term in 2012 and inducted into Council of Minister as Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs with additional charge of Transport, Technical Education, Vocational & Industrial Training Minister.

Mr Bali was Chief Minister candidate of Congress party from Kangra district.

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